Brass Neck Spiced Rum

A rum that embodies the adventurous, celebrates the daring and rewards the bold.


A pot-stilled rum infused with a unique selection of Scottish and international botanicals gives it the perfect balance of spiced, sweet, citrus and slightly smoky.

Brass Neck’s journey came about from a conversation around the shared joy of Spiced Rum and the desire to launch a Scottish Rum that used unique ingredients.

The brand archetype embodies the red fox, who journies from the natural habit into our urban world. The fox inspiration came up in a discovery workshop from one of the founders. He talked around how while sipping a coffee in Edinburgh, a fox slowly walked along the street not worried about the people around him, brazen, unashamed and daring to be different.

With the strategy signed off, we collaborated and developed the visual language, worked with the paper suppliers and selected the final bottle to match the brand.

Unlike some creative or strategic projects, we were part of the team that helped suggest, taste and finally select this delicious rum.

If you’re adventurous, like to celebrate the daring and reward yourself, then have a Brass Neck.


Brand Strategy, Branding & Design
